Awards & Recognitions
Honoured by Hon'ble Shri Justice Pritinker Diwaker of CG High Court on the occassion of Honour Function
Hon'ble High Court Justice Shri Prashant Mishra Conferring award for academic contribution at 15th Conventions of CGSTBC 2015 Hosted by RTBA, Raigarh
Hon'ble Chairman VAT Tribunal, CG Shri R.K.Behar Conferring Special award for e-contribution to CGSTB Council at Bilaspur Convention
Launching of CGVAT Ready Reckoner by Hon'ble Principal Sect. CG State Shri Ajay Singh & Hon'ble CCT Shri G.S.Mishra
Felicitation of the new Commercial Tax Minister Shri T.S. Singh Deo by Adv. Vivek Saraswat on behalf of the editorial board of Tax Law Decisions magazine.

Workshops & Seminars
Represented Chhattisgarh Chamber of Commerce before the Hon'ble Finance Minister of India Shri Piyush Goyalji during his discussion session on GST in Raipur.
Meeting with the Hon'ble CM Dr. Raman Singh regarding GST discussion with the Chhattisgarh Chamber of Commerce team